Alina Nazmeeva is an artist and educator currently based in Detroit. Alina creates simulations and worlds that analyze the intra-actions of physical and digital spaces and objects, and their cultural, economic and political ramifications. Using XR, gaming engines, CGI software, machinima, and physical installations, their creative and research practice examines the oscillations and murmurs between virtual and concrete, cities and videogames, life and animation, organic and the engineered.


2020 - ongoing, essay and  animated film

Alienator_Bambi is a natural born cyborg. It explores the concept of cuteness, non-human character, and the tension between animation and life in the screen-spectator nexus. It aims to coopt the strategies used in social media culture to build an alternative narrative for body, nature and virtual subjectivity. Bambi asks, could a different digital subjectivity be constructed beyond explicitly anthropomorphic creatures? What are the limits of being non-human on social media? Cats have taken the internet since its early days, but could it be a digital creature? Could a cute CGI cyborg deer be embraced as willingly as digital humans, constructed on social media? What are the limits between synchronisation of a social media persona and a fleshy individual?

Bambi remixes the cute, the haunted and the uncanny. Taking up an anthropomorphic and exaggerated form that is appealing to a wide audience, Bambi aims to become a post-human avatar, that mashes-up a famous animated character, a simulacra of an animal species, 3d volumetric animated model, an archetype of a robot, a cyborg, in culmination with an instagram persona account with its affordances and limitations to structure a narrative. Implications that come with each of these media are under question and are to be exposed.